Understanding Factors that Affect Weight-loss

  1. Calorie Consumption

The single most important factor in weight loss is consuming less calories than your body uses in a day, which is called a calorie deficit. In the energy equation there are calories in (food), and calories out (activity).

As you can see below, exercise only accounts for a very small portion of total calories burned. Because of this, we have to focus on other factors. In particular, focusing on the calories in portion of the equation is going to be the most beneficial.

Calories out

Here’s a quick breakdown of how your body burns calories each day, which is called your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE).

a) NEAT - Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis refers to the energy required for all the physical activity you do outside of the gym. It accounts for roughly 10-20% of TDEE

b) TEF - The Thermic Effect of Food is the amount of energy that’s required to break down food into the individual nutrients that your body then extracts energy from to power all it’s important processes. It accounts for roughly 10-15% of total calories required each day, but can vary depending on the macronutrients that make up your diet.

c) EAT - Exercise Activity Thermogenesis refers to the amount of calories/energy used during exercises. It only makes up roughly 5-10% of TDEE and can vary depending on the kind of exercise you do, as well as the frequency, the intensity, and the duration.

d) BMR/RMR - Basal Metabolic Rate/Resting Metabolic Rate refers to the energy your body uses at rest to power all of your bodily functions. It accounts for 60-75% of TDEE and is influenced by multiple factors including biological sex, age, body composition, and genetics.

Calories In

When it comes to calories burned, increasing NEAT is going to be the most effective way to increase total expenditure each day. Some simple strategies to increase it include walking or cycling instead of driving, standing more than you sit, doing household chores, taking your pet for a walk, doing some gardening, parking further away from stores so you have to walk more, etc.

When it comes to calories consumed, it’s important to choose foods for your diet that are low in calories but also very filling. For example: 100g of broccoli is only 34cal and will leave you feeling full, but 100g of M&M’s is 480cal and won’t fill you up, so you’ll be able to keep eating more and more.

Overall, vegetables and protein are going to be your greatest weapon for combating hunger, because they leave you feeling full and satisfied for long periods of time, without having to eat a ton of calories.

Another strategy you can use is to manipulate the order in which you eat the foods on your plate. Always start with vegetables, followed by protein, and then finish with carbohydrates. This is to ensure that you’re going to feel nice and full by the time you get to the carbs, which will prevent you from eating a ton. For example, I can eat mountains of mashed potatoes if they’re the first thing on my plate that I eat, but if I start with the greens and the protein, by the time I get to the potatoes I can’t eat as much before I start to feel really full, thereby preventing me from over-eating.

2. Hydration Status

Keeping your body properly hydrated will greatly improve your ability to use stored fat as energy when you’re in a calorie deficit.

As a general rule of thumb:

  • Men need 3-4L of water per day

  • Women need 2-3L of water per day

Whenever you have prolonged periods of sweating, whether it be from exercise or just simply spending time in the heat, it’s important to replenish the water you lost by drinking plenty of water during, and after.

When you sweat, your body loses key electrolytes that help maintain fluid balance in your body. To ensure this doesn’t become an issue just add a pinch of salt and some lemon juice to your water.

3. Sleep

If you’re not getting enough sleep every night, or your sleep cycle is disturbed due to jetlag or night shifts, your body will have a much harder time burning stored fat as energy.

Make sure to get 7-8 hours of quality sleep every night. To do so, follow some general guidelines:

  • Unwind by putting away devices and turning off the TV for at least an hour before bed,

  • Try doing things that are naturally relaxing for your mind, like coloring, stretching, meditating, reading, drawing, etc.

  • Avoid alcohol and cannabis - and any other psychoactive substances - before bed. Both alcohol and cannabis negatively impact sleep quality, in particular by disrupting your body’s natural sleep/wake cycles.

  • Don’t consume any caffeine after 1pm. Caffeine has a half-life of 6 hours, which means that 6 hours after you consume caffeine, you still have half of that amount in your blood stream, which will keep you from being able to relax and get to sleep.

4. Stress

It’s well understood now that overall stress has a profoundly negative effect on our bodies. With respect to weight-loss, it can hinder your ability to burn fat effectively.

Finding ways to reduce overall stress can be powerful, and the positive impacts reach far beyond simply enhancing your weight-loss.

Here are some strategies for reducing stress:

  • Exercise regularly

  • Eat a health, anti-inflammatory diet (like a high-protein Mediterranean diet)

  • Get enough good quality sleep

  • Avoid unhealthy habits like overconsuming caffeine and/or alcohol, smoking tobacco or vaping nicotine, binge eating, or using illegal substances.

  • Experiment with different forms of breathing and meditation

  • Laugh more, and laugh often

  • Connect with others, and become a contributing member of a community.

  • Listen to your favorite music and dance as if nobody is watching

  • Try new things like gardening, sewing, reading, journaling, sketching, coloring, board games, taking baths, and more.

  • Try yoga or tai chi.

The Bottom Line…

If you can get all of these factors to work in your favor, you’ll be well on your weight to achieving the weight-loss you’ve always wanted.

If you need any help along the way, click here to book a free consultation with me! I’ll work with you 1-on-1 to personalize a plan that fits your life, and gets you the results you always wanted!

If you’re curious about the services I offer, click below to learn more.

Yours in health,



Guidelines for Cardio